You deserve happiness
as much as anyone else

You are welcome to get in touch to find out more

Hi, my name is Von Coves.

I’m a qualified Therapist.

I provide Counselling, Psychotherapy, EMDR Therapy
and Couples Counselling.

I assume that you are reading this because something is bothering you.
Whatever it is, you might feel better if you have a chance to talk about it.

If you want to find out whether I can help you,
please get in touch.

The terms ‘Therapy’, ‘Counselling’ and ‘Psychotherapy’ are often used interchangeably. However, it can be helpful to know the differences in these approaches so you can find the right one for you.


The term ‘therapy’ is a generic word that encompasses both counselling and psychotherapy.
When someone says they are ‘seeing a therapist’ or that they are ‘in therapy’, they generally mean that they are engaging in counselling or psychotherapy.

Counsellors and Psychotherapists are Allied Health Professionals.


Counselling is best described as working through your personal issues by talking with a trained professional.
It is usually a short-term intervention to help you with issues that can be resolved on a conscious level.
An example might be that you want to experience greater confidence, and need help with assertiveness skills.
Or you experienced a bereavement a long time ago, and you’re sick of feeling stuck in grief.
Perhaps you want to manage stress better, without turning to wine or shopping.
Or you’re considering moving on from a career, religion or relationship, and would like to
discuss your struggles confidentially with a professional.


What is Psychotherapy? Psychotherapy is a longer-term process that can help to create change on a much deeper level.
It involves developing greater self-awareness by making the unconscious conscious,
uncovering the root cause of your issues. Once you are no longer driven by things outside your awareness,
life can improve, because you are free to choose how you want to be.
Psychotherapy involves learning to deeply understand your thoughts and feelings, and is experienced in your mind and body. A large part of the healing power of psychotherapy is found in the quality of your relationship with your therapist.

For example, you might be tired of being in dysfunctional relationships,
but you stay because deep down you feel that you don’t deserve better. If you grew up in an environment
where love was mixed with anger, rage and shame, your basic needs for love and attachment were not met.
My role is to help you to feel comfortable and safe so that you can start to develop a deeply honest understanding
of the conflict arising from different parts of yourself. Psychotherapy can help you to develop insight and self-compassion,
so that you no longer blame yourself, and you can move forward from pain and suffering
to find greater happiness and harmony.

My Approach 

You are a unique individual, therefore, my approach is to focus on what works for you. Together, with your feedback, we can find an approach that feels right. It doesn’t matter if you start with counselling and move to longer-term psychotherapy.
Or, if you think you want something longer-term but end up just having a few sessions.
Therapy is for anyone who wants something in their life to change.

You might be interested in learning about post-traumatic growth - that finding meaning or value in what has happened can be the path to recovery.

It’s totally normal to see a therapist and whatever you bring to therapy is ok.
Whatever you want to sort out, I can try to help you work out how you feel.
The point of therapy is that you don’t remain stuck but instead can leave the past behind and create a better future.
Does this idea sound interesting to you? Are you willing to consider investing in improving your life?
Please get in touch if you would like to find out more.

Couples Counselling

You might want to improve your communication and stop arguing so much,
or reach an agreement about sharing responsibilities, or work out how to re-connect as a couple.

Perhaps it’s time to stop having the same argument! Couples counselling can be a circuit-breaker that doesn’t shame or blame. Instead, it can help you to come to an agreement about something that you haven’t been able to agree on.

My solution-focused technique avoids going over and over the wrongs of the past.
Instead, I will help you to identify the good stuff, the things that work, so that we can find out what can make things better for you both. Once you start to build on what works, you’re both putting your energy into making your relationship better.
Are you interested in improving your relationship? Contact me to find out more.

You are welcome here.